Saturday, October 12, 2013

Personal Art Development - SNEAK PEEK! OMG...

Well, the hits jumped last night to catch a look at my Infographic progress. So I'm guessing I'll get a few hits tonight on this - we'll see.

That little "lazy" voice in my head tells me to just slap together a Word doc with my analysis and toss in a few pic of my artwork.  But. I. Can't.   No matter what the assignment, I want to go for something I can look back on, rediscover or otherwise be proud to show even in many years from now when I am more experienced and hopefully more skilled.  It's not that other work would be "bad" but I want to make something that others would enjoy seeing, reading - experiencing. MAKE IT AN EVENT, NOT AN OBJECT.  Anyway, here it is - a couple pages anyway -  BIG propts to Adobe InDesign - I started using this program a couple years ago and hated it. Now I know the power and ease of it.  

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