Monday, October 8, 2018

INKTOBER 2018 - Day 02,03 - Nightmare Cookies, WTF is a Kolbold? Something to do with Pollution and Remorse of Time

Pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite
All are on their rounds to-night,—
   In the wan moon’s silver ray
   Thrives their helter-skelter play.

From Hallowe'en by Joel Benton

I have more drawing done but have to post them and they all don't fit the same theme so they'll be on a different post when I feel like it.  

The arms are invisible.  Not the winged-arm claw things - those just look pretty to distract you, then the invisibles grab you and your face is licked into a wet over-cooked pasta consistency and eaten.  Also, drawing with ink on watercolor paper sucks.  

It started out as a watercolor and quickly devolved into this shit.  Reminds me of a hemorrhoid I once had. To the touch, it felt like a bursting popping boba (soft and special) but the image below is in sync with the overall experience. 

you are my favorite for reading down here. Send me money.  

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