Friday, October 31, 2014

INKTOBER FINALE - Elephants - PRETEND it's a blanket and the texture flows.


SOME ELEPHANTS  - WITH DOODLE IMPROVISATION - I DON'T LIKE MANDALAS FOR THE SAKE OF MANDALAS - But if you pretend things are a blanket it can add quite a bit of texture. 


Monday, October 27, 2014


OK - (have) been working on some tattoos -  They are all over my body but I don't show 'em due to body issues and fuck you.  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

INKTOBER - ALL STOPS - Slut Rock to Trans-Allegheny #inktober

One of my sister's turned minions staggers away from slut rock.  Wants no more, only to serve his new master.  

I meant for this to be more spooky and layered BUT I BECAME BORED WITH IT AND STOPPED. YES, I know I can choose to be bored or not and the rest of the stupid crackhead rhetoric. Spare me, there is tedium in the world. 

Claim ticket for The Twilight Zone

Spooky destination - #1 spooky destination in the USA is St. Louis Cemetery in New Orleans, LA.  Not too spooky during the daytime.  Only spooky at night because you have to be worried about armed fucking robbery.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Inktober 16.17.18 A Cemetery, a Monster, a Castle and Several Bats - NO GREENAWAY

My sister Christie loves cemeteries.  She goes there and attempts to find the oldest stone in the park. And then sluts herself on it. Often, she is successful.   In high school she did it at night. And sheds Holy blood or whatever - I only went with a few times. But with a bag of dead kittens a witch cannot be denied.  You fuckers have been fooled for so long.  Muscatine, a town of powerful misfit weirdos - blah blah blah I'm making this all up  -----except the part I didn't write about.   Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Inktober 15 - SAMCRO- It's a CROW - Sons of Anarchy SOA #inktober

Sons of Anarchy - Biker Show, used to have some sort of plot and purpose. anyway...
Yeah, it's an attempt at a crow and an ugly biker and some other stuff and I'm done workin on it - so deal.  WELL, maybe I'll return to it.  Too, much ink - I bet this could become a pretty sweet tattoo, tho. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Inktober 10.11 ZOMBIES Never DIE #kisskiss #fellingbetter #inktober

Knock on wood, but I think we've rounded the corner on our sickness - Momma has proclaimed that we will be cleaning/sterilizing and otherwise bringing the house back into respectable shape tomorrow  - so we are all feeling the positive energy and motivation.  We love her for her rock solid sexy-feminine leadership. And the kids had fun at the school carnavale tonight!  So many games, so many prizes and rides! She is our Queen.

OK - INKTOBER.....10.11, already!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Inktober 08.09 - Thank Heavens for Little Monsters #StillNoEbola #inktober

Well - we're still coughing and nasal lavash-ing and aching but ALIVE.    Here's the work.

Maren helped with this one...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Inktober - No Ebola #inktober

Trying to get caught up before I get too far behind but our family has been shut-down sick for a few days #noEbola.   Michele actually had to use her first two sick days in 12 years not related to child birth!!!  Anyway,  here's the work.

Calavera Makeup


 Blind Contour of gourd

 Skull Doodle

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Inktober 03 - Pumpkin Patch Opening Day #inktober

 OVERCOOKED IT.  when you feel like you are trying to "fix it" - just stop  (never) :)
there are straw bales and cornstalks in there somewhere.
But the weather was perfect. The patch was dry and full of big ol' fatty pumpkins. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Inktober - 01.02

OK - Thanks to Katie Ericson for inviting her circle of friends to this event.  Basically, you do an ink drawing everyday for the month of October, for more info go here, Inktober. - I'm already behind. I have slacked a bit since school ended and have not drawn much so my arm is a bit like concrete and someone (me thinks Mare-Bear) has rearranged my workflow of tools.  and now Stella has realized what can happen with a pen...anyway.  -Also, someone was punching buttons on our printer/scanner like it was a piano earlier so I will be scanning via iPhone for awhile ;)  - Michele's sleeping on the couch right now.

I did a little research and some folks adopt a theme of tell a story, many develop characters, cartoons.  I don't do that, I do envy their line work, imaginations and ability to make me want to crawl into the page.

I'm going to try and theme my Inktober around my current town of residence, Renton, WA.  Some will be notable others will not.

Jimi Hendrix was born and raised here.  He is also buried just a hop-skip from my house.  My first work is a Beaux Arts montage of some granite plates located at his new-ish mausoleum.  For the longest time he had a simple headstone.