Saturday, June 21, 2014

University of Florida Capstone - Project ISSUU MAKing Magazine

It's getting about that time.  Made some headway on my University of Florida, MA Art Ed Capstone "ISSUU magazine project."  My Capstone supporting research paper is <dare I say> finally hitting a benchmark.  Here are some spreads that I have 85% complete - still needs editing.  The title of my CSRP is 'How Ideas Become Real: Making in the 21st Century"  - Anyway the intent is to take my CSRP and turn it into an accessible magazine format with articles on art/design processes of Project Based Learning, Design Thinking, Design-Build, The Maker-movement, STE(A)M, and "futurings" of a Mobile Art Revival Vehicle (MARV) and a networking website to connect the classroom teacher with industry professional creatives.  

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