Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Oh YEAH, INKTOBER - NOT! Art is a glorious endeavor, which is why all people love and respect , support and don't mind tax money supporting it in schools and life in general. OPP HAND

Perspective is your visual relationship to the subject - if you draw a full 180° panoramic view you'll get a crescendo and decrescendo view of things once translated to paper.  If you for some misguided reason (I'm so judgey) draw a full 360° view you'll create what is called a stereographic image. <--TRUE

This view has a vanishing point distributed equally throughout the image hence the circular 2D shape and the 3D spherical illusion if the perspective is properly accomplished.  It's a bit tricky. <--ALSO TRUE

 Below I tried it on my house and neighbors on my street - I live in a cul-de-sac which lends it self nicely to this format because of it's real life circular shape in plan view.  (the homes are all still boxes on boxes) 

It makes everything in the foreground more detailed and creates a planet like effect where the beholder is in the center.  And the ground takes over 1/2 the image! The rest of the world disappears behind the initial objects.  These structures are all 2 stories tall and all true details are lost in this format.  I like the gimmicky (<--HATE THAT WORD) nature of it and I have seen some photographic eye-candy produced this way but I really don't see the point unless you are doing a familiar skyline and buildings with some major height - even then the hight of the buildings will skew - but look at the cool photo of the snow helmet people below - that's a cool effect. YOU WANT TO LOOK AT IT.  SO LOOK AT IT.  IT's A FUCKEN SPHERCUL (sphere and circle combined to make a new word) *pats self on back... SO I guess it's another graphic tool to use where it fits and not where it don't ---and reveals/creates interest.  Otherwise useless.  Also, we have a new dog. 

It's like their on their own mini-planet and could fall the fuck off at any moment. 
WTF? Why take a normal photo when you could do this wonky shit.  <--cuz, THE INTERNET!