Saturday, December 12, 2015

Beware the Nisse Men of Denmark! 'Lil Beasties

The mischievous Danish gnome, Nisse, plays pranks on people during Christmastime. He is said to live in the lofts of old farmhouses and wears gray woolen clothes, a red bonnet, red stockings and white clogs. I changed the colors of his clothes for for some of my sketches.  They are having a party so maybe they have party clothes stored away in the barn.  You never can tell with gnomes. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

SANTA's Words of Wisdom - Be Good, Kids!

Screw the elves-on-the-shelves! I'm da Boss round here and I don't miss much.  Clean up your stuff, wipe yer butts and LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS!!!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Modern SANTA - A Beard that grows CANDY!?!?!

Ever wonder what it must be like to wake up and have to pick the peppermints and candy canes out of your beard.  Did you know if you don't shave your man face an avalanche of hair comes from it? 


Sunday, November 1, 2015

INKtober - All the Days - THE END

It's been great - I'd rather do all this in February or March or April - not Fall. 

Another Inktober in the books.  I hope you'v enjoyed looking at my stuff this year.  I'll continue drawing, painting and teaching kids...but not super active at posting it all...not that anyone reads this - my <----> doesn't even give a shit.   

Thursday, October 29, 2015

INKtober - Day 24 ->28 - For Realz

Already did sketches for a couple of these - I liked them/learned things- so went forward with more larger formal plates.  Too large for my scanner.  (I'm too cheap for a biggie) :(  
Also - my sketches take 20 minutes - the take 10 hours.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

INKTOBER - Day 21 & 22 - The Wizards

A member of the order of wizards specializing in animal lore. Commonly maintains relationships between the wizards and the various animal lords. As one of the five Istari Wizards sent to Middle-Earth by the Valar, Radagast was hand picked by Yavanna, the Valar who created all of the growing things in Middle-Earth, who strongly pressed Curunir (Saruman) to take Radagast as one of the five. Saruman resented his being coerced to include Radagast as one of the Five, as he viewed him as an inferior. This was evident by Saruman's open scorn and criticism throughout the books.Yavanna knew Radagast had a strong love of her creations of nature and wildlife, and that by sending him to Middle-Earth he would be drawn to look to and protect the things he had grown to love while in Aman, and not to fulfill his mission as one of the Istari, which was to stand against Sauron and to inspire Men, Elves, Dwarves and all free people of Middle-Earth for good. While in Middle-Earth, Radagast paid little notice for the doings and actions of the outside world, and would often dissapear into the forests and wilderness for long periods of time. While Radagast failed in his specifically appointed mission as an Istari, he did succeed in fulfilling Yavanna's subterfuge.

Gandalf Big Dick
Gandalf the Grey appeared to mortal Men in the form of a tall man, bent with age and sporting a long flowing beard. Professor Tolkien describes Gandalf's ability to appear outwardly to others as nothing more than a ratty old conjuror (in many ways disguising his true powers), such that when Bilbo first encounters the wizard in the opening pages of The Hobbit he writes: "All that unsuspecting Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a staff. He had a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which his long white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots." Gandalf is also noted to have distinctly bushy eyebrows. After his encounter with the Balrog on 15 January T.A. 3019, Gandalf the Grey returned in renewed corporeal form as Gandalf the White, after which he dressed in strikingly white robes


Just a dick.

INKTOBER - Day 19 | 20 - Ori & Dori

Younger brother to Nori and Dori, Ori is a talented artist, and can often be found drawing and writing in his journal. It is Ori who chronicles much of the journey through The Wild to the shores of the Long Lake and the slopes of The Lonely Mountain. Polite and well-bred, he is used to being bossed around by his older brother Dori and is usually biddable, although occasionally he can surprise his fellow companions with his courage and determination.

Dori is the eldest amongst his brothers Ori and Nori. He is the strongest in The Company of Dwarves, and spends much of his time watching out for Ori, making sure he hasn’t caught a chill or gotten himself killed by Wargs or Goblins.

Despite rarely seeing eye-to-eye with his brothers Dori and Ori, he is nonetheless immensely loyal and will protect them by whatever means possible. A Dwarf of independent spirit and inclinations, Nori was accustomed to relying on himself and trusting his own resourcefulness to overcome the challenges that his adventures occasionally presented. To that end, he was never a Dwarf to be caught without that most versatile of tools, a short, sharp knife.  Indeed, he carried a number on his person, secreted or worn openly, among them a short, broad bladed, double-edged design that fit snugly into his palm and could be drawn or concealed in the blur of a seemingly innocent gesture.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

INKTOBER- Day 10 & 11 & 12 & OK The Walking Dead started WE GET IT. But, Daryl...


Well, the initial sketch looked more like drunk-gonna-puke-Daryl.  Not can-you-hold-my-hatchet-Daryl. 

This isn't The Governor.  Looks like a dude in sunglasses, not a patch - maybe because the Gov'nah is such a dick I couldn't do it. F*ck him.

And, the best daycare in the world..........Ty.  RIP.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

INKTOBER - Day 7 - Ragnar Lodbrok and his friendly hatchet

Already resorting to fanart - so sad.  At least it's from the History channel.  Included a couple steps.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

INKTOBER 2015 - Day 5 - Operation Pumpkin Garden

Well, the harnesses had a mind of their own. whatever. It's not like I'm gonna do it over.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Inktober - Day 3 & 4 - Pumpkin Uprising

General Pumpkin leads his troops.

This concept was all from my son Morgen.  He even laid out the initial lines.  Alien searches for perfect pumpkin at night.

Friday, October 2, 2015

OY! It's INKTOBER! #1 & #2

I don't feel like typing anything about it.   

I'll get better scans in when I feel like it.